Almont North Dakota

1906     Centennial     2006

Carson Press News 1908

The following news item was submitted anonymously. The source of this item has numerous news items taken from the Carson Press aboout 1908 and include items from several surrounding communites and is of great interest.


Heart News
    A rather peculiar accident happened the other day to one of GAINER MOORE's horses. Two of them were near his well and one kicked at the other. The one kicked at jumped down the well tail end first out of the way. The well was nine feet deep and four in diameter, so it was a rather tight fit. Neighbors were called in and after working several hours pulled the horse out. The horse was unhurt. We haven't tried the water yet.  (Item #000135)

    We have heard people say that the hills take the place of trees in
this country. In our neighborhood, however, we have something else that is rapidly taking their place. We refer to the mail boxes which are being put up now that we have a free delivery. It is true it does not seem so inviting to sing "Under the shade of the new mailbox" as it does "Under the shade of the old apple tree" but they save us lots of time and trouble. If this should meet the eye of some stranger who is likely to come through this part after dark and who should see what appears to be a line of Jap soldiers just about ready to charge, don't run. It is only a line of mail boxes. (Item #000136)

   The WEEKES' boys are making quite an improvement on their farms in the way of painting all their buildings. When a newcomer sees a nicely painted house he thinks at once "well that man evidently intends to stay.  Of course we all intend to stay, but very few of us show it by paining our houses. Most people say it is not worth the trouble to paint their present homes. We would remind them that paint is a great preservative of wood and it pays to use it. Yes, we shall get rich by and by and have better houses, but that the way to do it is to take care of what we have. (Item #000137)